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KPC Creates Agile SMEs

Achieving an independent post-mining community is one of PT. Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) mission. Various Corporate Social Responsibility programs has been conducted to achieve self-reliance community.

One of the programs is Agile Small and Medium Enterprizes. The program is one of program under Local Business Development (LBD) Section, Community Empowerment Department.

In this program, KPC is fostering 30 SMEs from Sangatta Utara District, Sangatta Selatan, Bengalon, and Rantau Pulung. The 30 SMEs were selected SMEs from “Gebyar UKM” event which was held on May 2018.

KPC Superintendent Local Business Development, Genta Gantina, said that the mentoring of Agile SMEs Program takes places in six months starting August 2018 until February 2019. The mentoring involves facilitator from Business Community Tangan di Atas (TDA).

During that time, KPC and TDA are going to hold workshop and direct practices to deal with their business problems. The workshop is going to be conducted in three sessions which are determining business objectives, strengthening products and services, and financial learning.

The activities that have been carried out are Agile SMEs seminars and training for Agile SMEs companion, Tuesday-Wednesday (28-29/8). The event presented the owner of Malang Strudel Kris Puriyono, the Director of Wastuh TDA 5,1. (*)