
Bukit Pelangi Is Independent From Genset Electricity Dependence

East Kutai District Government Office Area at Bukit Pelangi is no longer depend on electricity-powered generators, effective as at the celebration of the 73rd Anniversary of the Independence Day of Republic of Indonesia, on last August 17, 2018. The certainty of no longer depend on electricity generators was after PLN and the Government of East Kutai Regency had completely built a medium-voltage electricity substation with a capacity of 4,330 KVA, at the Aircraft Monument, Bukit Pelangi, Sangatta.

The 4,330 KVA power supply comes from Tanjung Bara Steam Power Plant (PLTU), PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC). KPC has an electric power of 60 MW, of which as much as 18 MW of power is channeled to the public through selling and buying schemes with PLN (State owned Electricity Enterprise).

The PLN electricity connection at Bukit Pelangi area is carried out after electricity from KPC’s excess power has met the needs of the people in Sangatta and Rantau Pulung areas. Since the beginning, Bukit Pelangi is planned later on after the community has been connected.

“On this independence day, we also have independence from depending on diesel engines. I want in the city of Sangatta, namely the North and South Sangatta, all affordable access to PLN, because it is a basic need that we continue to work towards. Hopefully that by 2020, all villages in East Kutai have been channeled by electricity, “said Ismunandar, the Regent of East Kutai.

Head of the Regional Assets of East Kutai Regency Government, Teddy Febrian, said that the use of electricity could significantly reduce the government’s operating costs down to Rp 50 billion per year. “All this time, we only provide Rp. 50-60 billion per year for diesel fuel. That does not include repairing damage. While paying for the electricity bill will only be at least Rp. 1 billion per month, meaning only Rp. 12 billion per year,” Teddy said.

The Bontang PLN Area Manager Alimuddin said that the KPC’s excess power input of 18 MW plus the interconnection of the Mahakam system, then the electricity availability for the East Kutai area is currently very good. Therefore, PLN is ready to serve if there are investors who need more electricity. (*)