
KPC Awarded 13 CSR Programs in Sangatta

PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC), Wednesday (7/11), submitted 13 packages of Community Development and Empowerment (CDE) programs, also known as corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs. The program package was submitted before the East Kutai Regent and the ranks of the East Kutai Regency government, which took place at the BPPUTK Sangatta.

Of the 13 program packages, there are four packages for agribusiness development programs, four packages for improving BUM Desa, two packages for health programs, two programs for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and one education program package.

East Kutai Regent Ir H Ismunandar MT expressed his appreciation for the handover of KPC’s CSR program. The Bupati specifically responded to the BUM Desa assistance program, which he said was good for increasing village prosperity.

One of them is a shopping center program for household needs, which has been opened by BUM Desa Mulya Sari in the form of Mulya Mart. “I will provide broad access to the development of a Mart opened by BUMDes. This already has Mulya Mart and please allow the other martyrs to be opened, “said Regent Ismunandar.

In addition to supporting the presence of shopping centers managed by BUM Desa, the Regent also gave special attention to BUM Desa which are engaged in ecotourism, Mulya Park. Mulya Park is a BUM Desa that manages a tourist area on the Earth Pilot Farm and Conservation Farming (BPPUTK). “Please complete the outbound facilities at BPPUTK, so that they can be visited during the East Kalimantan Porprov event,” said the Regent.

GM External Affairs and Sustainable Development (ESD) Wawan Setiawan expressed his gratitude for the spirit of collaboration between KPC and the government, so that the CSR program could run well. “Thank you for supporting the Regent, Deputy and all parties, because we cannot be alone in running CSR programs. We need collaboration with all parties, “said Wawan.

Wawan further hoped that the CSR program would become an important embryo in the development of villages in East Kutai. “We hope that this CSR will become an important embryo for village development. We hope that what KPC provides can be valuable, useful for the benefit of the community in their respective villages. We will all be proud if we succeed. Hopefully the KPC program can inspire contractors too, “said Wawan.

Arya Kusuma, Director of BUM Desa Mulya Sari Sangatta Selatan, said that her agency had received a lot of assistance in the form of assets from KPC. “Mulya Sari BUM Desa has received many asset grants from KPC CSR. Among other things, refill water, Balai Pertemuan Desa, Ekowisata Mulya Sari Park in BPPUTK. We will develop these efforts for the benefit of the village and the community, “said Arya. (*)