
KPC Largest Taxpayers

After winning the award as the highest contributor to Non-Tax State Revenues (PNBP) in 2018, PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) again won an award in the financial sector. This time it was in the form of an award as a Tax-Compliant Company granted by the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) for the Large Tax Payer.

Together with 30 other taxpayers, KPC received an award directly from the Indonesian Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, Wednesday (3/13), in Jakarta. The award was received by KPC Commissioner, RA Sri Dharmayanti.

“The award is given in consideration of taxpayers complying with tax regulations, and responsive in fulfilling data requests in connection with extracting potential in the Tax Office (KPP) respectively,” said Director General of Tax Robert Pakpahan.

Other considerations according to Robert, because taxpayers always synergize and provide support for DJP programs. The program includes data integration programs and taxpayer data exchange in 2018.

According to Sri Dharmayanti, KPC has handed over Rp. 7 trillion in income tax for 2018 tax year. This value does not include royalties amounting to Rp. 6.6 trillion. In total, KPC pays tax and royalties in 2018 in the amount of more than Rp. 13.6 trillion.

KPC Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Saptari Hoedaja, said he was happy and proud to be able to contribute to the nation and the State. “We thank the Minister of Finance and the ranks of the Directorate General of Taxes, especially the Large Taxpayer Regional Offices who have given awards to KPC.”Hopefully the tax paid can help the government in carrying out development for the people of Indonesia,” Saptari said. (*)