
KPC Achieved Gold PROPER Ranking for Environmental Management Ministry of Environment and Forestry

Vice President Maruf Amin Congratulated Gold Proper Recipients


 PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC), again received the highest rating, in the form of a Gold rating for the Environmental Performance Rating Program (PROPER) in 2020. The Gold rating award was given by the Minister of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) Siti Nurbaya Bakar and received by the KPC Acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ido Hutabarat, Monday (14/12/2020), in Jakarta.

 The Gold PROPER that was achieved this time was the Gold PROPER at the national level, after previously receiving the Gold PROPER at the East Kalimantan Province level.  For the province level, KPC has received 17 times Gold PROPER.  For this time, KPC received a national Gold rating along with 32 other companies throughout Indonesia.

 “This is very special for us.  Despite the atmosphere of the Covid-19 pandemic, we were still able to achieve very good environmental and social performance.  Thanks to KLHK, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, East Kalimantan Provincial Government, East Kutai Regency Government and the people of East Kutai for their support so far.  Hopefully we can continue to improve our environmental and social performance while operating in East Kutai, “said Ido Hutabarat, after receiving the award at the Manggala Wanabakti Auditorium, Jakarta, Monday (14/12/2020).

 General Manager of External Affairs and Sustainable Development (GM ESD) Wawan Setiawan said, one of the post-mining programs that had been replicated in the community was the development of a layer chicken farm in Pit Jupiter.  Initially, this program was only a trial, but now the livestock business has been replicated by the community.

 As a result, according to Wawan, this program has been able to meet 48 percent of the supply of chicken eggs for the needs of Sangatta residents.  Thanks to this program, 18 livestock groups have enjoyed the results of this livestock business.

 Wawan explained that 4,700 families or around 22 thousand people in Sangatta have benefited from the program for utilizing the water from the Kenyamukan mining pond at Pit Jupiter.  This program has made regular savings for the community and PDAM.

 The Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Maruf Amin, who gave a speech via the zoom meeting, congratulated the Gold and Green PROPER recipients.  “I would like to express my high appreciation to the industrial world for the achievement of the Gold PROPER rank in 2020.  Despite the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic, the industrial world can survive and even adhere to the environment and empower the community, “said Vice President Ma’aruf Amin. (*)