
KPC Achieves Environmental Gold PROPER


18th Gold PROPER from the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan

Coal mining company PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC), was again awarded the Gold Proper award for environmental management in 2020-2021.

The award was given by East Kalimantan Governor Isran Noor and received by Acting General Manager Health, Safety, Environment and Security (GM HSES) Kris Pranoto, Tuesday (29/6/2021), at Novotel Balikpapan.

In the record, KPC has won 18 gold certificates for the Environmental Performance Rating Program (Proper) at the East Kalimantan Province level and once at the National level in 2020.

Acting GM HSES Kris Pranoto expressed his gratitude for the 18th Gold Proper award for KPC. “Thank you to the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, the East Kalimantan Environment Agency and the East Kalimantan Environment Agency for their guidance so far. Thank you also to KPC’s partners who always provide support so that KPC continues to operate beyond the standards set by the government,” said Kris.

Furthermore, Kris said, during 2020-2021, KPC made a lot of environmental innovations by using various technologies. These innovations have succeeded in achieving energy efficiency, water efficiency, reduction and utilization of B3 waste, biodiversity programs and conservation of protected flora and fauna.

In addition to the environmental aspect, another aspect that is assessed in the Proper program is the community empowerment program.

General Manager External Affairs and Sustainable Development (GM ESD) KPC Wawan Setiawan said, despite the Covid-19 pandemic, KPC continued to carry out community empowerment programs.

These programs have succeeded in improving the community’s economy, such as the laying hens development program, the water utilization program from the waste mine ponds, the cassava program and community-based waste management.

According to Wawan, KPC itself runs seven CSR flagship programs, namely agribusiness development, improving the quality of education, improving health and sanitation, developing MSMEs, improving community basic infrastructure, preserving nature and culture as well as increasing the institutional capacity of the community and village government.(*)