
Operational Car from KPC for Village Own Enterprise

PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) as a companion to the Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) expects the village-owned company to be profitable so that it can contribute to the village. To realize this, KPC intensively conducts mentoring programs and provides various assistances to 16 BUMDes.

 One of the assistance provided was in the form of a L300 pickup truck, given to “Sangatta Utara Sejahtera” Village Owned Enterprise (BUMDes). The handover was carried out by Acting GM External Affairs and Sustainable Development (ESD) Louise G. Pessireron to the Director of “Sangatta Utara Sejahtera”  BUMDes, Achmad Rifandi. This event was witnessed directly by the Regent of East Kutai, Drs H. Ardiansyah Sulaiman M.Si, at BUMDes Mart, A. Muis Street, Poros Sangatta-Bontang, Monday (13/9/2021).

 Rifandi said that a pickup truck is urgently needed by the “Sangatta Utara Sejahtera” BUMDes, to send goods ordered from the basic food shops and building shops that he manages. Moreover, 60 percent of services are currently in the form of online purchases and as long as they only rely on two-wheeled vehicles.

 “60% of our services are online. So far, we have had difficulty transporting large quantities of goods. This truck from KPC really helps us and we hope that our turnover will continue to increase in the future,” said Rifandi.

 East Kutai Regent, Drs H Ardiansyah Sulaiman M.Si, expressed his appreciation to KPC for its support in advancing Sangatta Utara BUMDes. “Currently BUMDes is a business entity that is supported by all parties. Today we see KPC support. Thank you that today you (KPC, ed) have provided assistance to Sangatta Utara BUMDes,” said Ardiansyah.

 Meanwhile, Acting GM ESD Louise G. Pessireron said the support for BUMDes operational vehicles is one of the fulfillments of KPC’s role as a catalyst for sustainable development. KPC hopes that through the BUMDes assistance program, villages can be independent in post-mining era.

 So far, KPC has assisted 16 BUMDes in the area around the company in East Kutai. These 16 BUMDes have become role models in East Kutai so that hundreds of BUMDes have grown, which are actively promoting business in their respective villages. The hope is that BUMDes can become a driving force for the village economy so that villages can quickly prosper and become independent. (*)