
42nd Anniversary, KPC Holds Blood Donation

KPC Donates 278 Blood Bags to PMI

Blood donation activities have become routine agenda during PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) Anniversaries. Likewise with the 42nd anniversary, which fell on Saturday, March 9th, 2024. The day before the anniversary, KPC held a blood donation activity at the M4 Mine Site, Mining Services (MS) Office and P16 in Tanjung Bara.

On that occasion, KPC succeeded in collecting 278 bags of blood, from 357 participants who registered to donate. The blood was immediately handed over to PMI (Indonesian Red Cross), for blood needs in the East Kutai and Samarinda areas. This activity is also the result of collaboration between KPC and PMI Sangatta and PMI Samarinda.

“This blood donation activity is a routine activity on KPC’s anniversary. This activity was held out of our concern for the community and this is a good example,” said KPC Chief Operating Officer (COO) Hendro ‘Edo’ Ichwanto in his speech at the opening of the KPC 42nd Anniversary Blood Donation Event, Friday (8/3/ 2024).

Chairman of the KPC 42nd Anniversary Committee, Ibadi Zalfatirsa, expressed his gratitude to all employees and contractors who were willing to donate blood at the donation event.

“I want to thank everyone who volunteered to donate blood today. Then thank you also PMI Sangatta and Samarinda as well as all the committees involved in making this event a success,” said Ibadi, who is also the Industrial Relations Manager, KPC Human Resources Division.

One of the blood donor participants, Khaery Kurniawan Aziz, admitted that he was happy to have passed the screening to become a donor at the 42nd KPC anniversary event. According to him, blood donation is important for health because it will improve blood circulation in the body.

“Blood donation activities are important for health, especially for the health of our blood circulation. I often participate in blood donation activities since 2008. I am also happy to be able to help other people who need blood. Hopefully this activity will be held regularly in the KPC environment,” said Khaery.

Apart from blood donations, at this year’s 42nd anniversary event, KPC held a number of activities. These include the KPC Anniversary Ceremony, Art and Creation Games, KPC Jingle Creation Competition, Green Walk, Art Flashmob, Fun Games, Quiz, Bazaar and Entertainment Night. Most of these activities are held after Eid al-Fitr celebrations(*)