
KPC and BLKI Mandiri Re-organize Welding Training for East Kutai Youth

Successful with the welding training program or Welding Development Program (WDP) in 2022, PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) together with the Mandiri Kutim Industrial Work Training Center (BLKI), are again holding the same program for the second period in 2023.

This time KPC and BLKI Mandiri collaborated with Welding Contractors in the Mining Support Division (MSD), including PT Sriwijaya Teknik Utama (STU) and PT Triatra Sinergi Pratama (TSP). The number of WDP participants for this period was 16 people.

“This program is very good. All 16 WDP participants for the first period have worked. We received a report that they were accepted to work at PT. SRP, TSP and SSB Banjarmasin,” said Head of BLKI Mandiri Kutim Abdul Syahid at the opening of the second period of the WDP Program, Batch 1 of 2023, Friday (8/12) in Integrity Room J-18 Wisma Prima, Sangatta.

The opening ceremony for the second period of the WDP Program starts at 08.00 to 09.30 WITA attended by GM Mining Support Division (MSD) KPC Susilo Ari Wahyudi, Head of BLKI Mandiri Kutim Abdul Syahid, Manager Maintenance Support Bahtiar Hidayat, Manager Community Empowerment Nanang Supriyadi, Manager PT Sriwijaya Teknik Utama (STU) Robby Habibullah, Manager PT Triatra Sinergi Pratama ( TSP) Farandi and 16 WDP Program Participants.

GM MSD Susilo Ari Wahyudi in his speech said that the WDP program is proof of the seriousness of KPC and its contractor companies together with the Government, in this case BLKI Mandiri Kutim, to produce young people from East Kutai who are reliable and have trained skills, especially in the field of welding. MSD Division will be ready to support and facilitate this program,” said Susilo.

The WDP program is part of the Apprentice Program, which is held by KPC together with BLKI Mandiri East Kutai. The WDP itself has been held twice. First with SSB and now with PT Sriwijaya Teknik Utama (STU) and PT Triatra Sinergi Pratama (TSP). Herdiawan Jasir, representing the WDP participants, expressed his gratitude to KPC, BLKI Mandiri Kutim and the contractors who had given him and his colleagues the opportunity to be able to take part in a series of training and welder training this year. Whether it’s getting class material or direct practice at BLKI or KPC workshops.

“Hopefully we can carry out the mandate and trust that has been given to us and gain knowledge and knowledge of welder (welding) techniques for very useful provisions when entering the world of work. This makes our family very proud and we can achieve our dreams and a better future. And hopefully we can accepted to work at KPC,” said Herdiawan.

These WDP participants will later carry out OJT at the workshops of PT Triatra Sinergi Pratama (TSP) and PT Sriwijaya Teknik Utama (STU), which are welding contractors at MSD, located at Mine Shop, Welding, Surya and D-17 for two months. The OJT plan will begin to be implemented from Monday (11/12/2023) to (11/2/2024). During the OJT process, WDP participants will be given pocket money by KPC.(*)