Habitat Management Program for the Conservation of Flora and Fauna Orangutan “Taman Payau”

Image by: Liza Niningsih

Space requirements, competition for limited natural resources, and genetic exploitation are challenges in mining management and orangutan conservation at the same time.  The concept of zoning with natural barriers, creating corridors, enriching habitats, a work culture that cares for health, safety, and the environment are strategies and a rarity for real work to face these challenges.  Together with the community, related government agencies, we plan and implement the program.  One of them is habitat enrichment in the conservation area “Taman Payau”, which has been an ex-mining area since 2003, covering an area of ​​± 163.60 ha, with various developments that are continuously being carried out, so that it can become a habitat for orangutans.

Ten years later, from November 2013 to August 2014, a study was conducted on the presence of orangutans.  The result, we found 13 different individuals, consisting of 4 adult males, 4 adult females, 2 teenagers, and 3 babies.  Each individual is identified by his face, and given names, such as Cassia (adult female, Sura’s mother), Sura (male baby, Cassia’s baby), Clotaria (adult female, mother of Croton and Usara), Usara (male baby), Croton (teenager), Sri (adult female, Falca’s mother), Falca (infant), Ujang (adult female), Meremia (female teenager), Chiko (adult male), Botak (adult male), Bruno (adult male), TP-1  (adult male), (Niningsih 2017).

The diversity of ages and sexes, such as adults, teenagers, children, babies, males and females, even when they are pregnant, are characteristics of a healthy demographic structure (Niningsih 2017).  During ± 1 year of direct observation, orangutans generally look quite fat and show no signs of malnutrition (Niningsih 2017).  Obesity level is a simple way to assess the condition of animal populations (Alikodra 2010).

In 2019, monitoring was carried out; now, Merremia has a baby, as a sign of the success of KPC’s Orangutan conservation in providing habitat that can support the life of orangutans (Niningsih 2020).



Alikodra HS. 2010. Teknik Pengelolaan Satwa Liar Dalam Rangka Mempertahankan Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia. Bogor (ID): IPB Pr.

Niningsih L. 2017. Timur [Disertasi]. Bogor (ID): Institur Pertanian Bogor. Adaptasi Perilaku Orangutan (Pongo Pygmaeus Morio) di Kawasan Pertambangan Batubara di Kalimantan Timur

Niningsih L. 2020. Pemanfaatan Areal Reklamasi oleh Orangutan Liar di Kawasan Pertambangan Batubara PT KPC. Sangatta, Kutai Timur (ID):not yet published