Coal Specifications
KPC produces three coal brands:
- Prima Coal
- Prima coal is one of the highest quality internationally traded thermal coals. It is a high volatile bituminous coal with high calorific value, very low ash, moderate sulphur, and relatively low total moisture. It is a bright and lustrous coal with high vitrinite content. Prima comes primarily from six main seams in pits that are located close to the Pinang Dome. Higher temperatures and pressure in coal seams near the Dome resulted in coal with lower moisture and consequently higher heat content.
- Pinang Coal
- Pinang coal is similar to Prima coal but with higher moisture and lower energy.
- Melawan Coal
- Melawan coal is an ultra clean sub-bituminous coal with ultra low ash and sulphur contents. Pinang and Melawan coal are located further away from the Dome and contained in seams generally higher in the stratigraphic sequence.
Our coal from Bengalon area is predominantly Pinang quality with Calorific Value which can be customized with domestic and regional export markets requirements.