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- Create Date 22/08/2022
- Last Updated 22/08/2022
The specific delivery destination as per the Purchase Order (PO) and the freight forwarder contact as below:
1 | Sea Freight Order for Import Goods: | ||
PT. Kaltim Prima Coal C/O: PT. Cipta Krida Bahari CKB Logistics Central Osowilangun Business Park Jalan Raya Tambak Osowilangun No 81D Surabaya – Jawa Timur 60191 |
Margie Wiendy Christianingrum
Email: Phone: +62 31 985 41 000 Ext: 8649 Mobile: +62 812 3323 2387 Website :
Operational Hours: Monday – Friday = 08.00 – 15.00 WIB Saturday = 08.00 – 11.11 WIB
2 | Air Freight Order for Import Goods shall use DHL courier with the following two shipping address options: | ||
PT. Kaltim Prima Coal
Receiving section, Mine Warehouse - M7 Building Sangatta Utara, Kab. Kutai Timur Kalimantan Timur - 75681
Dian Fahroji/Joko Sukisno
Email: Phone: +62549 521355 +62549 521709
Operational Hours: Monday – Friday = 08.00 – 15.00 WITA |
or | |||
PT. Kaltim Prima Coal C/O: PT. Cipta Krida Bahari CKB Logistics Central Osowilangun Business Park Jalan Raya Tambak Osowilangun No 81D Surabaya – Jawa Timur 60191 |
Margie Wiendy Christianingrum
Email: Phone: +62 31 985 41 000 Ext: 8649 Mobile: +62 812 3323 2387 Website :
Operational Hours: Monday – Friday = 08.00 – 15.00 WIB Saturday = 08.00 – 11.11 WIB |
3 | Sea, Air and Road Freight Order for Local Supplier: | ||
PT. Kaltim Prima Coal C/O: PT. Cipta Krida Bahari CKB Logistics Central Osowilangun Business Park Jalan Raya Tambak Osowilangun No 81D Surabaya – Jawa Timur 60191 |
Margie Wiendy Christianingrum
Email: Phone: +62 31 985 41 000 Ext: 8649 Mobile: +62 812 3323 2387 Website :
Operational Hours: Monday – Friday = 08.00 – 15.00 WIB Saturday = 08.00 – 11.11 WIB |
or | |||
PT. Kaltim Prima Coal C/O PT Cipta Krida Bahari (CKB Balikpapan) Jl. Somber Baru RT.85 , Kelurahan Muara Rapak, Kecamatan Balikpapan Utara Kode Pos 76125 (Depan Mako Polairud Polda Kaltim) |
Email: Phone : 0542-7587515 Mobile: 08125875251
Operational Hours: Monday – Saturday = 08.00 – 16.30 WITA |
or | |||
PT. Kaltim Prima Coal
Receiving section, Mine Warehouse - M7 Building Sangatta Utara, Kab. Kutai Timur Kalimantan Timur - 75681 |
Dian Fahroji/Joko Sukisno
Email: Phone: +62549 521355 +62549 521709
Operational Hours: Monday – Friday = 08.00 – 15.00 WITA |
Compliance of the shipping document will make customs clearance process work efficiently. The address filling instruction on shipping document as below:
1 | Sea Freight Order for Import Goods: | ||
Bill of Lading (BL)
Consignee (Complete Name and Address): PT. Kaltim Prima Coal Bakrie Tower Lt. 15 Rasuna Epicentrum Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Kel. Karet Kuningan, Kec. Setiabudi Kota Adm. Jakarta Selatan. Prov. DKI Jakarta NPWP:
Notify Party: PT. Kaltim Prima Coal Jalan Raya Tambak Osowilangun No 81D Attention: Margie Wiendy Christianingrum Email: Phone: +62 31 985 41 000 Ext: 8649 |
Consignee/Sold To: PT KALTIM PRIMA COAL Bakrie Tower Lt. 15 Rasuna Epicentrum Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Kel. Karet Kuningan, Kec. Setiabudi Kota Adm. Jakarta Selatan. Prov. DKI Jakarta
Send/Delivery Address To: PT. Kaltim Prima Coal Sangatta, Kutai Timur, 75611 Kalimantan Timur |
2 | Air Freight Order for Import Goods shall use DHL courier with the following two shipping address options: | ||
Air Way Bill (AWB)
Consignee (Complete Name and Address): PT. Kaltim Prima Coal Bakrie Tower Lt. 15 Rasuna Epicentrum Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Kel. Karet Kuningan, Kec. Setiabudi Kota Adm. Jakarta Selatan. Prov. DKI Jakarta NPWP:
Notify Party: PT. Kaltim Prima Coal Jalan Raya Tambak Osowilangun No 81D Attention: Margie Wiendy Christianingrum Email: Phone: +62 31 985 41 000 Ext: 8649 |
Consignee/Sold To: PT KALTIM PRIMA COAL Bakrie Tower Lt. 15 Rasuna Epicentrum Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Kel. Karet Kuningan, Kec. Setiabudi Kota Adm. Jakarta Selatan. Prov. DKI Jakarta
Send/Delivery Address To: PT. Kaltim Prima Coal Sangatta, Kutai Timur, 75611 Kalimantan Timur |
or | |||
Air Way Bill (AWB)
Consignee (Complete Name and Address): PT. Kaltim Prima Coal Bakrie Tower Lt. 15 Rasuna Epicentrum Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Kel. Karet Kuningan, Kec. Setiabudi Kota Adm. Jakarta Selatan. Prov. DKI Jakarta NPWP:
Send/Delivery Address To: PT. Kaltim Prima Coal Receiving section, Mine Warehouse - M7 Building Sangatta Utara, Kab. Kutai Timur Kalimantan Timur - 75681 |
Consignee/Sold To: PT KALTIM PRIMA COAL Bakrie Tower Lt. 15 Rasuna Epicentrum Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Kel. Karet Kuningan, Kec. Setiabudi Kota Adm. Jakarta Selatan. Prov. DKI Jakarta
Send/Delivery Address To: PT. Kaltim Prima Coal Sangatta, Kutai Timur, 75611 Kalimantan Timur
3 | FTA/COO | ||
Goods consigned to (importer’s/consignee’s name, address, country):
PT. Kaltim Prima Coal Bakrie Tower Lt. 15 Rasuna Epicentrum Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Kel. Karet Kuningan, Kec. Setiabudi Kota Adm. Jakarta Selatan. Prov. DKI Jakarta
The minimum packing requirements (unless otherwise specified) are that Goods which are damageable by moisture or dust shall be packed in crates with a polythene liner or asphalt laminated craft paper to provide a means of shedding water or dust. Wooden Cases, not crates, (partially open) shall be used for sea freight.
Minimum packaging requirements for each type of cargo refer to the following standards:
- Types of Cement and Powder Cargo Packed in Sack
- Cargo shall be placed on pallets measuring 110 cm x 110 cm and neatly arranged
- Cargo shall be bundled to fit the cargo on the pallet.
- Cargo shall be wrapped neatly
- Types of Jerry Can, Pail and Drum Cargo
- Cargo shall be placed on pallets measuring 110 cm x 110 cm and neatly arranged
- Cargo shall be bundled to fit the cargo on the pallet.
- Cargo shall be wrapped neatly
- Supplier shall provide a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each item classified as hazardous or chemical
- Suppliers shall provide marking or labeling according to hazard criteria
- Type of Carton Packaging Cargo
- The maximum weight of cargo that could be accepted is 25 kg
- Cargo weighing more than 25 kg shall be placed on pallets that are sized according to the dimensions of the cargo
- If the weight of the cargo received is less than 25 kg but in large quantities, the cargo shall be packed using pallets
- The supplier shall provide a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each item classified as hazardous or chemical
- Suppliers shall provide marking or labeling according to hazard criteria
- Types of Iron Pipe, Elbow Iron and H-beam Cargo
- Cargo shall be bundled using plates of at least 3 (three) points with the following details:
- 2 bundle plates on the right end
- 2 bundle plates on the left end
- 2 plate bundles in the middle
- The cargo package shall be given a wooden ring of 3 (three) points
- The inside of the pipe is not allowed to be filled with the another pipe
- The right and left ends of the cargo package shall be covered with a burlap sack
- Type of Iron Plate Cargo
- Cargo shall be bundled using plates of at least 3 (three) bundles of plates on the right, middle and left ends
- The supplier shall provide wooden blocks or pallets according to the size of the plate width so that there is a gap to insert the forklift fork
- Type of Small Tire Cargo
- Tires shall be placed on pallets and arranged neatly with a maximum height of 190 cm
- A protective board made of cardboard or plastic should be placed on the top side of the tire wall to prevent tire damage
- Cargo shall be bundled by putting tires on the pallets
- Type of Glass Cargo
- The supplier shall provide sponge or bubble wrap protection over the entire surface of the glass
- Cargo shall be placed in full wooden box packaging
- The supplier shall provide a special handling label “GLASS” on the outer wooden box packaging as an identification that the goods inside are glass types
- Type of Culvert Pipe Cargo
- Cargo shall be placed on pallets in a standing position
- Cargo shall be bundled to fit the cargo on the pallet.
- Packaging for all electrical and electronic equipment which contains electrical conductors and components shall be tropic proofed
All Goods liable to damage shall have adequate protection. Consignments that do not meet the minimum requirements may be rejected at the delivery point.
- The marking and labeling shall identify the type of Goods and shall be shown on top of every individual package or containers delivered to the Company.
- Any measurements shall be expressed in metric unit.
- On each container and packaging, the logo and/or name of the Supplier shall be applied.
- Sticker legend/Labeling shall be applied to each container and packaging containing the following information:
Order No : ……………..
Item Name : ……..………..
Item No. : ………………
Stock Code : ……..………..
Part No. : ………………
Nett Volume : ……………… liters
Weight : ……………… kgs
Dimension : ……………… cm
No of packaging : ………………
Customer : PT. Kaltim Prima Coal
Point of Delivery : ………………………………
Supplied by : (Supplier’s Name or Logo)
- Labeling shall be made of adhesive label and with minimum size of 4.5cm x 7.5cm.
- In each initial delivery of hazardous or chemical material, the Supplier shall provide Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each item.