Safety Health & Security
KPC commits to create a safe and convenient work environment for all employees, guests, contractors and anyone working, interacting and stationed within the operational areas of KPC. We ensure that our slogan and target in achieving occupational safety and health are tightly implemented in KPC’s working culture.
Managing occupational safety and health is one of KPC’s main priorities. We always ensure the safety and health aspects of our employees, contractors and the local people as well as everyone who works together with us in order to achieve zero accident target during all activities in all our operational areas. In making continuous implementation and improvements in occupational safety and health management system, KPC adopts both national and international standards and guidelines, including OHSAS 18000 as well as occupational safety and health rules and regulations issued by Indonesian Ministry of Manpower.
Implementation of Good Mining Practice in Occupational Safety and Health
We adopt good mining practice principles which provide us with a framework on achieving zero accident target in KPC. The aspect of occupational safety and health has always been an integral part that we consider when designing and planning the mine as well as conducting daily operational activities. We also regularly give intensive trainings related to this aspect. Occupational Safety and Health has to be an important part of employees’ work culture and ethics.
Rights and Obligations
We require all Company’s people to comply with the applicable Laws as well as Government Regulations concerning occupational safety and health. Everyone in the Management team is obliged to inform all employees regarding the Occupational Safety and Health (OHS) Regulations and Procedures as well as the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in order to help the Company in running all activities efficiently according to the established rules. Every violation of OHS regulations will be considered as a serious violation against the Company and sanction will be given based on Golden Rules and Disciplinary Act Guidelines.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) provides protection to all employees when doing their jobs. PPEs provided by KPC are selected according to OHS standards. Health equipments that are also provided for employees have to be properly used and looked after, not misused.
Health Service
KPC provides health clinics that can be accessed by employees and their family living around our operational area. We treat our employees fairly and equally in terms of service and health benefit.
KPC’s Golden Rules of Occupational Safety and Health
We develop and implement OHS rules in order to maintain safety and health for all KPC’s employees. We have identified 11 types of work that possess fatal risks. Therefore, we have reviewed our work standards, guidelines and audit criteria as well as provide trainings according to OHSAS 18001 and developed Golden Rules which is considered as occupational safety standard.
Occupational Safety, Health, and Environment (HSE) Management System
KPC adopts HSE Prima Nirbhaya system in managing issues related to occupational safety, health, and environment. This system applies PDCA principles (Plan, Do, Check, Action/PDCA) which are carried out on an ongoing basis. Our implemented system is consistent with standards of ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. KPC pays much attention to our employees’ health. We always conduct actions that prevent or stop the spread of any diseases which are caused by both work environment and employees’ lifestyle. We monitor potential risks related to health in workplaces, such as noise, dust, lighting, vents, heat pressure, poisonous gas and heavy equipment vibration as well as conduct healthy lifestyle programs.
OHS Training for Employees
We hold various trainings in order to create a safe and healthy working condition and environment. Through these trainings we expect to increase our employees’ awareness in safety and health.
OHS Training for Employees’ Spouses
KPC believes that employees’ occupational safety and health is not only a result of supportive work environment, but also employees’ spouses. Therefore, KPC always involves employees’ spouses to support better safety and health. We hope that the employees’ spouses are able to understand their husbands’ work condition and support them fully, thus, employees’ health can be improved.
HIV/AIDS Counseling
Another way to show our care for our employees’ health, we conducted Awareness Program and hold special classes on Prevention of HIV/AIDS in our workplace to all the KPC employees and contractors. Various education programs on HIV/AIDS are focusing on comprehensive knowledge, basic information, mode of transmission, impacts, ways of prevention, and free of HIV/AIDS lifestyle.
KPC also conducted a check-up, survey, and a group-visit. We also invited our contractors to work together in promoting educational programs on HIV/AIDS.
Improvement of Emergency Response in KPC
Emergency Response in KPC aims to handle all problems associated with OHS in KPC’s operational areas. We did several improvements in emergency response.
Safety Campaign Through Radio Broadcast
As in the previous years, KPC cooperated with Gema Wana Prima (GWP) FM Radio to conduct a campaign on the importance of occupational safety and health. The radio that was founded by one of KPC’s employees helped us in informing the importance of safety behaviors as well as communicating several interesting tips on healthy lifestyle.
Occupational Safety and Health Performance
In order to see the effectiveness of our occupational safety and health efforts, we evaluate our OHS performance annually. This evaluation is conducted by observing the Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) and Total Recordable Incident Frequency Rate (TRIFR). Since 2009, LTIFR has kept decreasing. We will still conduct reviews and make improvements on our safety and health system, procedures as well as program implementation in order to improve our OHS quality.
Safety Audit
We conduct several activities, including safety audit and behavioral observation program, to make our occupational safety program complete. These two programs are ones that can support KPC’s success and effectiveness in implementing OHS.
OHS Audit
In order to ensure that safety programs running well, we conduct weekly safety audit that was performed 4 times a week.
Auditor Training
Before conducting OHS audit, we select competent auditors with the purpose to get proper result of OHS audit that well represents the real OHS condition in our company. In order to achieve our purpose, we first provide information on audit system implemented in KPC to our auditor candidates. They will then join an internship for 4-6 months to learn about OHS documents, audit techniques and conducting audit. They are also given a chance to audit their own departments by suggesting 3 improvement which can be made and presenting them to each General Manager of the related division and to HSES General Manager.
Behavioral Observation Program (PRINASA)
n addition to audit, behavioral observation program is one of our effort effort to prevent fatal incidents (Fatality Prevention Elements – FPE). This program is organized by the Management team and OHS professionals in order to decrease the number of fatalities and incidents which can cause loss of working hours. Since 2009, we have targeted a minimal FPE percentage of 60%.
Incidents Management
If an accident occurs, the first thing that employees should do is reporting the incident to each supervisor. Supervisors are then to also report every incident happening in the area of their responsibility. Safety officers are required to gather data to help officers from benefit section can submit a report to the Manpower Office, PT. JAMSOSTEK and related insurance company within 48 hours.